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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Teaching and learning mixed methods research online
Author Ivankova, N., Verhoeven, F.
Year 2007
Access date 14.05.2009

The objective of the presentation is to share the unique experiences of teaching online a mixed methods research course offered through the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The course is taught in Blackboard platform and combines a discussion format, related to methodological and design issues of mixed methods research, with practical application of theoretical knowledge to a proposal for a mixed methods design study. The presentation will explain the instructional approach and methodological applications of teaching mixed methods research online. The results of the evaluation survey of 15 doctoral students from both US and Europe who completed the course will be discussed. After the course completion, 66.7% rated their level of knowledge about mixed methods as good and 33.3% as excellent, while 46.7% indicated to have effectively applied the knowledge gained in the course to designing their own mixed methods studies. A currently offered online course will be demonstrated.

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Year of publication2007
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations
Full text availabilityAvailable on request

Web survey bibliography (96)

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